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Crop Image To Certain Size

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Are you working on a project where you need to insert images in your presentation or slide or document? Also, images are not in a suitable ratio to insert it in the document? You know, you need to crop the image but do not know how to crop an image to a specific size. Cropping an image is not a hard job, you can easily do it with a few clicks. Let's give a deep dive into the below details in cropping an image to perfect size.

Transfer media files samsung. What is Image Cropping?

You are trying to resize different size images maintaining the original proportion. The width and height values you have introduced will be considered as maximum values only. You can check the resulting width and height values under each image preview. I'm making a photo gallery for my website. This is a grid a miniatures (400 x 300px). When user click on the minitature, the image appears in his full size. The users can upload images but my problem is how crop and / or resize the image uploaded to create a miniature with a size of 400 x 300px by keeping it proportionally?

ImageCropping is a process by which you can remove unwanted areas from yourphotograph or illustrated image. The process usually uses to improve imageframing, to remove extra items to trash, to re-correct the aspect ratio, or tohighlight or segregate the image subject matter from its photographsbackground. You can do this process on a physical photograph, artwork or anyvideo graph. Even, you can use digital software to achieve this process moreaccurately. Cropping an image is very familiar to photographic, film processing,broadcasting, graphic design, and printing industry.

The Rule of Thirds

Youwill wonder when you will learn, the most interesting or eye-catching photosdon't have the main subject in the center of the image. There is a rule ofphotography is, Image Subject Should not be in the Center. But you may think,where does it go then? Thus, the Rule of Third came.

TheRule of Third divides an image into nine equal individual boxes. ThreeHorizontal and Three Vertical boxes are separated by grid lines. The basicconcept is that you want to place the subject near the spots where grid lineslie to each other.

Didyou ever question yourself, why the camera view of your phone has grid lines?The Rule of thirds is the reason behind this. Gridlines are there to help youto compose your image. The concept is that, when you are taking a snapshot, youwould use the grid lines to assure that your image uses the rule of thirds.

While Cropping an image, you can follow the Rule of Third to have an eye-catching selfie.

Dimensions and Ratio

Beforewe start, we need to know about a few basic knowledge. Firstly, aspect ratio.Aspect Ratio is the ratio of the width to the height of an image or screen orthe space required for an image. The aspect ratio is always written in order like2:1, 4:3 and so on.

Now,what do you mean by the 2:1 aspect ratio? It means a 2:1 aspect ratio is twotimes wide as it is tall. Also, you might have learned about slide deckbackground which has a ratio of 16:9. This ratio refers to the background ratioof your image. Your image will not get stretched when you place it into theslide with the mentioned ratio.

Remember,the Aspect Ratio and Actual Dimension are two different things. Dimensions canbe described in pixels, inches, centimeters, and other measures of length. Andif you are in a project with content meant for screens, it is perfect tomeasure everything in pixels.

Finally,let's say you have an image which has 1920 pixels in width by 1080 pixels inand you need to crop it to fit a 2:1 space: you could simply leave the widthunbroken, and crop the height down to precisely half, at 960 pixels.

Donot make your head hot with this math, the above examples are to let youunderstand the basics so that whenever you are going to crop an image, you justneed to understand either the exact dimensions for the crop you need or theaspect ratio. Your editing apps or tools are also there to help you to do thework done perfectly.

How to crop an image to a specific size in paint?

MicrosoftPaint is a simple Graphic Editor that is built-in with Windows OperatingSystem. For basic image cropping, this software is perfect and easy to use.

Let'ssay you want to CROP a screenshot

1. Firstly,open an image in Paint. Right-click on the image, select Open with > Paint

2. ChooseSelect option from the toolbar.

3. Toselect the portion, you are looking to keep, Click and drag on the image

4. Clickon the 'CROP' option from the toolbar.

Thenthe image will be Cropped as per your requirement.

Thisoption is very easy and simple as you find out above. To crop a screenshot, youcan go with this option without trying Photoshop while Photoshop is bulkier andcomplexity is high for a beginner.

Crop an Image in ImgPro

ImgProis an online photo editor site to edit your photo in several options. A lot ofoptions are available in ImgPro to provide you a perfect image to share inSocial Media. Follow the below steps to have a tremendous journey with ImgPro

1. Go to

2. FromRight Side Top, select Get Started.

3. You needto upload your selected image. To do so, click on the 'Open Photo' option andupload your photo.

4. Nowchoose 'CROP' from the top.

5. Now,you can change the Width and Height manually. Also, the ratio is available toCrop the image. Even if you do not want to go with the selective ratio,manually you can Crop an image holding and dragging the cursor until you've gotthe size you need.

6. Finally,click on the 'APPLY' button

7. Youcan save the image in your device by selecting the 'SAVE' option from the leftside top.

Editingphotos in ImgPro is fun. ImgPro is very simple to use so anyone could use it.You do not need to pay anything to use it.

How to Crop an Image Using Tools?

Numberof Apps are available at Online to give you the answer to how do I crop animage to a specific size? Let's start with


AdobePhotoshop is the most impressive software to Crop an image. No software cangive you efficient work like Photoshop if you are familiar with it. Hence, I amgoing to help you to crop an image in Adobe Photoshop. Simply, follow the belowsteps to achieve it.

1. Openyour photo in Photoshop.

2. Go tothe Palette and choose the Rectangular Marquee tool. For a Shortcut, you cansimply press button 'M'.

3. Now,at the top of this tool, check out for a drop-down menu that is named 'Style'.If you know the expected aspect ratio of the image which you are looking for,then choose Fixed Ratio or Fixed Size (whatever you want). Simply out thevalues of Width and Height in the specified fields alongside the menu.

Note:Check out the Unit of the measurement if it is not fulfilling yourrequirements. To specify this, go to Edit > Preferences > Units &Rulers and set them to whatever units you'd like to work with.

4. Nowleft click on the image, create a selection by holding and dragging the cursoruntil you've got the size you need.

Clickonly once if it is a Fixed-size style and drag it around to frame the portionof the image you want to use.

5. Go tothe Main option 'Menu' Bar which is located at the top of your device screenand click Image > Crop and your image will be cropped to the selection youdid.

6. Nowsave the image in your device expected location.


GIMPis a very popular image editing platform. You can do a lot more fun with it onyour image.

1. Openyour selected image in GIMP.

2. Eithershoot shortcut Key 'R' on the keyboard or select the Rectangular Select toolfrom the palette.

3. Youwill find an option named ‘Fixed' at the bottom of the box. The differentoptions are available which are aspect ratio, dimensions, width, or height andyou have to specify the option that you are looking for.

4. Now,enter your expected dimensions or aspect ratio in the 'Fixed' option.

5. It istime to make the selection and to do so, you need to click on the image. Dragyour cursor until you get the image cropped to the right ratio. Nordvpn for macos.

6. Youcan also have your selection expand outwards from a point on the image, to havethat point at the center of your final image.

Toachieve this, find out the option named 'Expand from Center' above the 'Fixed'option in the Toolbox. Then, make your selection by clicking on the point youwant to be centered.

7. Youare near to finish your working, from the Menu bar, click Image > Click.

8. Savethe image at your device.

Youare all done with GIMP apps to Crop your image.


Doyou want to use your cropped image as a Facebook cover photo? Croppola has aspecified aspect ratio to help you to make an impressive cover photo for yourFacebook profile. It is a Simple and flexible online cropping tool. Let's begin

1. in your browser and upload your desired photo.

2. Go tothe Toolbar at the right side of your image, select preset crop or ratio tohave the aspect ratio at the labeled field. To begin your selection, clickanywhere on the image.

3. Doyou want the size as per your requirement? Then put the width and height ofyour required image, and then click inside the selection box to move it arounduntil you have got the accurate percentage of the image selected.

4. Ifyour image is misaligned, you will find a button at the bottom of the toolbarand your image will be aligned perfectly.

5. Finally,if everything goes OK, click ‘Download this crop' option to save your image toyour desktop or device.

Benefits of Cropping an Image

Imagecropping is a decisive step in photo editing. Every photo editing apps have aCrop option to trim the edge or permanently eliminate the unwanted edges.Hence, all images do not require cropping but cropping increases the visual impactand composition of any images expressively. Usually, images are being croppedto magnify the focused subject of an image or to change the angle of a viewwhen a camera lens is not able to get the required magnification.

1. IncreasesOverall Composition: Composing is an art, to increase an image beauty, thecomposition of it is required. Even, if you follow the rule of thirds, yourimage will become more dynamic than before.

Itis advisable that, when you are cropping an image, follow the rule of thirds.Your cropped image will be more outstanding, electrifying and interesting.

2. MoreFocused on Subject: Sometimes your image will become more beautiful when youmagnify the subject. A cropped image enlarges the subject inside that improvesthe focus of the image and letting you concentrate on the subject more.

Yet,there is some camera that has a built-in magnification option that makes thesubject swell and thus produces an excellent image.

3. AbolishVisual Information: Often, too much information distracts an image from itsbeauty. Because of this, the subject does not get attention and the imagebecame dull to look at.

Youcan easily get the attention by removing the unwanted visual information andgive a focus to the main subject. Also, improper alignment and avoidance ofunnecessary subjects interfering objects into the frame holds your attention tothe main subject.

4. Reframingthe Image: Reframing an image will give you different benefits.

• Yourimage will be more focused.

Square cropper

• Takeaway empty spaces from any side of the image.

Even,it works within the milieu since several portions are deliberately left freeand void. An image becomes more expressive and helps to draw attention,provided you crop a photo perfectly.

5. ChangeImage Orientation: Do you want to rotate your image to 90-degree to the left orright, or just mirror it for a reversed view? Cropping helps to change theimage rotation easily.

Whenyou crop a photo, it doesn't seem convenient to eliminate certain portion whichyou want to clip away. In that case, why don't you do your picture orientation?That's why you need to re-orientate a vertically framed image that emphasizes astimulating mood into a horizontally framed picture for steadiness andtranquility.

6. Cropin Different Aspect Ratio: To make an image compatible with the devices orusing platforms, changing the aspect ratio is really important. The reason forchanging the aspect ratio is imperative due to the relationship between thewidth of the subject's screen and the space around it. Modern digital camerascome with camera sensors, which determines the dimension of the aspect ratio ofan image. So, it is important to crop an image by changing the ratio.

Whileyou are cropping an image, always keep the original file separate. Make a copyfirst from the original and work in the copied image. There might be a chanceof making a mistake like you worked on the original and save it unintentionallyand lost the raw file. So, be aware of this.

Tips and Tricks of Cropping an Image

Croppingan image is not like only crop it and save it. You might miss some importantobjects which was supposed to make the image more eye-catching or can add astory. Making the perfect crop in your image can give an extreme impact on thevisuals and can even control the way the audience engages with it passionately.Let's find out a few tips and tricks to follow while cropping an image

1.Add a Story: They say, a picture can tell thousands of words. Using a croppingtool can add those words to your image to tell a story. You need to think aboutthe story which you are going to express to the audience until you do not getthat story, you cannot start cropping an image. While cropping, make sure yourstory is expressed perfectly to the audience. Be careful while cutting ascutting any important object might change the story. All the important thingshave to be there in the image. Take full advantage of cropping an image, notthe disadvantage.

2.Take Away Unnecessary Details: It is similarly important to take out unnecessarydetails from an image that might distract the audience to understand the imagestory. You must not give a chance to the audience to make fun of yourphotograph, so crop the unusual things from images that might take focus awayfrom the subject. Keep a close eye on the edges, usually, photographers do notpay attention to the furthest edges of an image. People's eyes are naturallydrawn to faces in photographs. But our eyes are also drawn to text, especiallyif we can read an entire word or sentence. If anything is there in the image totake away the audience's eyes from the subject, that should be censored.

3.Do not Always Keep Your Subject Center: You should not think always to keepyour subject centered in the image. Always remember The Rules of Third andapply that one when you are cropping an image. Also, make sure to keep yoursubject in an area where it is going to draw to the most attention.

4.Crop at Eye Level: In a portrait photo, you can keep your subject in centeredand crop at eye level. Here also you need to remind yourself The Rules ofThird. Ensure that the subject is centered at eye level (one third down thecanvas, or the top horizontal line on a rule of thirds grid). This kind ofcropping will give you the feeling of eye contact, that engages and compels theaudience.

5.Keep Some Breathing Room, While Cropping a face: Do not let the audience feelclaustrophobic (an extreme or irrational fear of confined places), cropping animage to its subject face to close will give this feeling. Consider the edge ofyour image as wall and when you are standing right against a wall, you will notget any space to breathe and your anxiety will rise. The audience will alsofeel the same if you crop your image too close to the edge. Yet, you may thinkthis as a handy emotional effect but when the subject is moved back and keptsome breathing space, the image will become much more relaxed and pleasing toeyes.

6.Do not Cut off Body Parts: Do not cut off body parts illogically. Your baddecisions on cutting body parts will make you a character of Horror movies.There is a rule of Thumbs which is, 'while cropping an image, do not cut offthe limbs at the joints.' It will give an awkward look to your image. Yourimage will become a meme without gaining popularity. Even you should not cutlittle appendages such as fingers, ears, even toes. Crop the subject body tothe torso, waist, thighs, chin or upper arm to make the image less awkward.

7.Do Not Give a Bad Haircut to the Subject: It is the same as point # 6. You haveto play the role of a stylist and make sure your subject's hair is not gettingcut off. Otherwise, your subject will seem like a bald. Do not crop too closeto the subject's hairline, keep enough space and let the audience imagine therest. Additionally, you can cut further down away from the hairline, focusingon the subject's face instead.

8.Crop to Avoid any Kinds of Cosmetic Problem: Surely, you want your subject tobe looked at its best. So, do not feel hesitate to crop if any cosmeticsproblem is there. The crop tool may not be the most advanced in your photorepair toolkit—you are probably not going to be able to use it to eliminate amark from someone's face. But it gets the job done when it comes to the bigstuff like removing a mustard stain from a shirt or tucking away an unsightlybelly roll.

9.Cropping Consistency Required for a Series of Photograph: The photos you use ina scheme are only going to account for one small part of the overall guarantee,so you need to be aware of how your cuts are going to work in tandem with oneanother.

Whenyou are going to prepare a series of photographs, make sure to organize thoselike a yearbook, not a comic book. In a comic book, images tell only one storyat a time and are placed in a variety of shapes and positions. But a yearbooktells the story one after another and all images are placed similarly. So,while making a series of photograph images, crop images in a consistent way togive a uniform look.

10.Do not Cut the Horizon: Give noticeable attention to the horizon while you arecropping a landscape. Generally, the best choice is to keep it at either of thetwo horizontal lines on a rule of thirds grid. Accidently, if you cut off thehorizon, the image will not look like a landscape image and it will start tolook like an awkwardly cropped photo of whatever the biggest object in theframe happens to be. In a landscape photo, the focal point should be the landitself and that is easiest to do with a horizon line.

11.Tight the Crop, Create the Drama: When you crop-up close of an image, itcreates a big drama and shows more details of a person or a subject. Like, thecloser you crop a face, the bigger the feature gets and the audience willidentify rainbow emotions within the face. Remember to focus on the eyes, itwill help you to grab more attention and create that sense of eye contact andintimacy. The same thing happens for an object, it's one thing to crop a phototo focus on an object, but it's a wildly different experience when you crop thephoto so that the object is the only thing you see. It's even more dramaticwhen the photo only focuses on one part of the whole object or is in so tightthat the audience can see the finer details.

12.Crop with Different Shape: By using a photo editing tool you can make alandscape photo to portrait or vice versa. Sometimes, changing the size andshape of a photo makes it more beautiful than the original one.

Agolden rectangular shape is a good choice or round, heart-shaped, hexagonal andso on, choose the design that suits your image. Also, do not forget to changethe shape in the copied image. Otherwise, if you change in the original one andsaved it, later when you are going to take any print of that image, you will beunable to do so.

13.Keep a Little off the Top: You may face a problem with an image size sometimes.Due to this, a well-captured photo can go to under scissor to fit into yourdesign layout. You need to follow a good strategy to make in this situation.You can cut off from each side until it gets fit for your design. Just be sureto use baby steps to avoid overcutting. Also, you need to cut only unnecessarythings, not hack it to bits.

14.Do Experiments, do not Afraid of it: It is not necessary to stick with rulesalways, you can go beyond this if necessary. Take some bold decision, playaround with the Crop tolls, do experiments before settling to a specificdesign. You can crop the same photo a dozen different ways and come up withdrastically different results. Who knows, you may get a unique photo than yourexpected one. Try cropping at different angles and rotating the picture tocompensate, creating a dynamic composition effect. Crop faces in half to createa sense of mystery. Do not be afraid of getting fail.

15.Crop in-Camera Itself: Do you know what is in-Camera Cropping? Eliminating theneed to crop later by doing what we call in-Camera crop. The camera lens itselfis the best crop tool. Cropping the image right for the first time can speed upyour project design and help you to achieve your goal.

Resizingand cropping tools are following the same rules. Once you have cropped anyimage, you can only get it to return by reverting to old save files. As saidearlier, keep several backups of your original file. Even do not overwrite theoriginal.

Things to Know about the Cropping Tools

Thereare several important things about cropping tools that you might not know.Below are the things to know

1.In Photoshop, there are several Crop Overlays Guide available. Simply hit 'O'which is a shortcut key and get the below overlays

• Ruleof Third

• Grid

Resize Image Online

• Diagonal

• Triangle

• GoldenRatio

• GoldenSpiral

2.In Photoshop, you cannot rotate your crop area more than 90 degrees. Pressshortcut key 'X'. This will keep the aspect ratio and size of the croppedimage the same, only orientation will change from Landscape to Portrait orPortrait to Landscape.

3.To Hide the cropped are, simply shoot shortcut keys 'H'. Crop Shield Opacityand Color changing options are available in the options bar.

Crop Picture

4,Do you prefer the traditional way of using crop tool? You can go to the classicmode by pressing 'P'. While using the Crop Tool in Classic Mode you need torotate the Crop Rectangle around and the image will fix in one place in thebackground. On the other hand, in Normal Mode, you will be moving the imagearound behind the static Crop rectangle.

5.Front Image Using: Do you want to keep the size and resolution the same of twodocuments? For this, open the reference image. Next, select the crop tool andgo to the Options Bar to get the front image or hit shortcut key 'I'. Thus, thesize and regulation of the reference image will be recorded. Finally, you canchange to another document and the crop tool will follow the size andresolution settings referenced from the first image.

6.The procedure of Accepting Crop: You can use any of these techniques to acceptyour crop:

• PressEnter

• Doubleclick in the crop area

• Clickon the Commit Icon in the Options Bar

• ContextMenu > Crop

• ImageMenu > Crop

Square Cropper

Imageis a very important part to attract visitors. If your image does not tell theright story that you want to express, your website will go down very soon.Follow the above steps, use the cropping tools, get your image croppedperfectly and do less worry.

Crop Image To Certain Size

> Hi Ben,
> I am sorry but since I have a new job I don't have access to the old macros
> any more..
> All the best.
> 2016-11-09 16:55 GMT+01:00 BenS [via ImageJ] <
> [hidden email]>:
>> Hi rettl,
>> I'm facing the same problem as you did, however, I could not integrate it
>> into my macro yet. Would you mind sharing your macro?
>> Many thanks,
>> Ben
>> ------------------------------
>> If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion
>> below:
>> known-size-tp5013429p5017545.html
>> To unsubscribe from Create rectangle with known size, click here
>> <
>> .

broken image